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$53k to ZERO debt!  Checking in with Megan Mendez since last time she was on the podcast. As a retired high school math teacher, new mom and debt free entrepreneur…it’s been amazing to hear all about her journey on the podcast today. Let’s chat on taking the leap into starting your freelancing career, along with […]

Mastermind Spotlight: Becoming a Debt Free Entrepreneur with Megan Mendez


This month on the podcast we are highlighting women right from the CEO Society Mastermind, because you guys have shared that you love hearing from REAL people and their stories of where they started & how they got to where they are now! Starting with Branda, who went from a classroom teacher, to TPT (Teachers […]

Mastermind Spotlight: Email is More Than Just Selling with Branda Villacob


Are you ready to get everything in your life together?! Chelsi Jo is the host of the top ranking Systemize Your Life Podcast, owner of ChelsiJo.Co, and the creator of the Systemize Your LIfe Academy. Also a wife, mom, and Joanna Gaines fan girl. She knows how hard balancing work and home life can be […]

Outsourcing In Your Home And Your Business with Chelsi Jo Moore


Today I am chatting with fashion stylist Jenny Zook and we are talking about how you can leverage your wardrobe to up-level your confidence and your business. Jenny goes into the top five pieces she recommends everyone have in their closet and how you can create a wardrobe capsule to step into your confidence. Jenny […]

How You Can Leverage Your Wardrobe to Up-Level Your Confidence and Your Business with Jenny Zook
