
Creating Systems to Scale Your Business with Kaci Ackerman

August 1, 2022

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Build systems for where you want to be, not where you are. Systems are such a magical tool to cut out and prevent overwhelm so you can put your business brain power elsewhere while your systems are set! 


It takes hard work to build your business, but we can make things easier and save so much time with the right systems. 


Kaci went from dental office manager to being furloughed due to covid to running a six-figure business in less than two years. Kaci is a Certified Business Manager and ClickUp expert. She transforms freelancers into CEOs with strategy, planning, and systems building so they can be confident in the back-end of their business, and not stuck in the weeds. Her mission is to meet business owners where they are at in their business and serve the heck out of them! Some fun facts: queen of typos & truth bombs, lover of stouts & porters, Netflix binger, sports fan, bike rider, friends obsessed.


In this episode, you will learn: 

  • What systems to have in place for your business 
  • How to build systems to serve your business moving forward
  • What tools you can use to make this process as easy as possible


Connect with Kaci:





Links Mentioned in this Episode: 




Other Resources: 

Want my step-by-step guide on how to start your VA business today? Grab The Prep which will show you exactly how to set up and start your business! You will get instant access to the digital product so you don’t have to wait any longer to start! 

Join here >> aubreemalick.com/theprep


 Join the Freelancer to CEO Podcast Community on Facebook


If you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you shared this in your Instagram stories! Help us spread the message to more freelancers who are ready to step into the CEO role! 


Connect with me on Instagram: @aubreemalick

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