
Do You Need a Website as a Freelancer?

January 22, 2021

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So many freelancers wonder if they need a website for their business. I’m going to break that question down for you and share when and how to know if it’s time to invest in a website and what having a website can do for your freelancing business.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • If you need a website when you’re first getting started
  • The right time to invest in a website
  • What you need to have in place before investing in a website
  • Why a website will help you scale your business
  • How to build your website in a weekend

Links Mentioned: 

If your freelancing business has been on the struggle bus this year and you are ready to have the exact roadmap on what you need in order to scale your business to 5k and beyond, then join me for the LIVE workshop happening November 18th at 11 AM EST! 


Stand Out and Shine Website Templates

Wanna do a coaching session with me? From business audits to monthly coaching sessions, there’s an option for you! Email us for the coaching menu at hello@aubreemalick.com

If you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you shared this in your Instagram stories! Help us spread the message to more freelancers who are ready to step into the CEO role!

Connect with me on Instagram: @aubreemalick

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Join the Freelancer to CEO Podcast Community on Facebook

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