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I'm Aubree β€” business coach for ambitious moms. I'm here to help you start, grow and scale the online business of your dreams!


The number one question that I get asked about freelancing…

May 29, 2023

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πŸ‘€ So, you’re eager to get started with freelancing, but you might be wondering, “How do I actually FIND clients?” Well, my friend, that shouldn’t be your first question. We need to start by focusing on the initial discovery of potential clients and creating a plan to guide them from discovering your business to actually hiring you. This roadmap is the secret sauce that allowed my business to grow successfully, and today, I’m going to spill all the juicy details…

First things first, let’s tackle the initial discovery phase. This means making consistent efforts to bring new eyes to your business. Think about ways to build connections and share about what you offer. Personal connections, Facebook groups, and social media are all great avenues to explore.

Once someone discovers your business, make sure they can easily get in touch with you. Have clear information on your website or social media profiles about what you offer and how to contact you. Provide multiple ways for potential clients to connect, such as a portfolio or a clickable link to book a call.

Speaking of calls, step three is the discovery call! This can be nerve-wracking, but practice makes perfect. Get on calls with potential clients, ask the right questions, and listen carefully to their needs. Use the information gathered to recommend next steps and show how you can help them!

Not every discovery call will lead to a client, and that’s okay… Trust your instincts and only work with clients who align with your values and goals. Remember, it’s better to find the right clients than to take on every opportunity that comes your way!

Now, to hear more in-depth insights and tips on this topic, I highly recommend listening to our latest podcast episode. It’s packed with valuable information and strategies that will help you simplify and scale your freelancing business.

Press play to listen to the full episode. πŸ‘‰

So, grab a pen and paper, sit down in a quiet space, and start mapping out your roadmap to client success. By following these steps and taking consistent action, you’ll be well on your way to attracting and securing clients for your freelancing business. Good luck on your journey to becoming a CEO of your own business!

Remember to tune in to the Freelancer to CEO podcast or read other blog posts for more business strategies and tactical tips. Until next time, happy freelancing! 🎧😊

Grab the 30 Day VA Bootcamp

The CEO Shop

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Learn the skills in the VA Skills Lab

How to Create a Flexible Freelancing Schedule

How to Scale Your Freelancing Business

How to Become a Booked Out Virtual Assistant

Top 10 Stay At Home Jobs for Moms (With No Experience)

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I'm Aubree β€” business coach for ambitious moms. I'm here to help you start, grow and scale the online business of your dreams!

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