
How to Be Confident and Overcome Fear When You’re a Beginner

November 13, 2023

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Feeling the jitters as you step into the world of freelancing? Or maybe the “what-ifs” are holding you back from taking the first step? Trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too, worrying about clients not hiring me, dreading the possibility of embarrassing myself in front of friends and family, the list can go on and on. But I’ve got your back on how to overcome fear!

In this episode, we’re diving deep into conquering those fears and boosting your confidence. Spoiler alert: the fear never fully vanishes, but it gets easier with time. And even though it might seem intimidating, we can work through it!

So grab your favorite drink, get cozy, and let’s break it down…

Embrace the fear

Fear isn’t the exclusive territory of beginners. Even those who have climbed the entrepreneurial ladder still feel its grip. But the difference lies in how they handle it! Successful entrepreneurs don’t eliminate fear – they dance with it. They understand that it’s a sign of growth and stepping outside their comfort zone. Embracing the fear means acknowledging it and turning it into a motivating force! Embracing fear is the first step in learning to overcome fear.

Celebrate your win (even the small ones)

Often, we focus solely on the big accomplishments and overlook the smaller victories that lead us there. Every email sent, every post made, and every new connection is a step forward. Keeping a list of these accomplishments helps you see how much progress you’ve made. It shows that you’re consistently working towards your goals, and this recognition is essential to boost your confidence.

Share your journey and find a friend

Conquering doubt becomes much more manageable when you have a trusted friend by your side. They offer the encouragement you need when your inner critic is loud. Plus, they provide a fresh perspective. Sometimes, we’re too close to our situations to see them clearly. A supportive friend can help you see the bigger picture and remind you of your worth and potential.

Confidence isn’t a prerequisite – it’s an outcome of taking action

Waiting for confidence to magically appear before taking action is a common misconception. In reality, confidence is a byproduct of action. The more you do, the more confident you become. Start even when you don’t feel ready. Action is the path to confidence! As you step out of your comfort zone, you realize you can do more than you thought. Each step forward is a boost to your self-assurance.

Develop your skills

Developing your skills is a surefire way to gain confidence in your abilities. Don’t be afraid to dive into real or mock projects. Creating opportunities to use your skills not only sharpens them but also provides you with tangible proof of your capabilities. Volunteering your services or investing in courses is an investment in your self-confidence. Clients are more likely to trust you when you have a track record of honing your skills.

Have a plan

Confidence thrives when you have a plan. Break your larger goals into smaller, actionable steps. Knowing precisely what you should do each day keeps you on the right path. A plan is your roadmap to success and a companion in your confidence-building journey.

If you want to to take your first step toward a more confident freelancing career, tune into the full episode.

Give yourself some grace on this journey, knowing that perfection isn’t the goal. It’s about learning, growing, and becoming more confident along the way!

Looking to get started freelancing? Grab my completely free training to learn all about freelancing, how to identify your skills and how to get started TODAY! 



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