
How to Effectively Market Your Business as an Introverted Freelancer with Emilee Fry

June 21, 2021

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Today, let’s chat with Emilee Fry as she shares with us her great tactics and strategies in her business. If you have an entrepreneur mindset but you also struggle dealing with your introverted personality and shyness, then this episode is perfect for you. Listen with me as we dive into how introverts can have a successful online business.

Emilee Fry is a marketing coach, podcast manager, and host of the Introverts Empowered podcast. Emilee Fry knows the importance of stepping into your power. As an introvert, she helps introverted and sensitive women shift their mindsets, helping them reach goals, and crush their limits. Whether she’s teaching entrepreneurs to market their business in a way that builds relationships or helping them craft copy, that makes them more visible to their clients.

Emilee leverages her ability to inspire introverted women to take action when she’s not working with her clients or working on completing her psychology. Emilee recharges with family adventures to the beach and checking out new Italian restaurants. When she finds a quiet moment, Emilee enjoys a good book and a hot tea.

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • How Emilee Fry got into freelancing
  • What are the things she struggles with or encounters in her business
  • How introvertedness plays a role in her business
  • What are the certain ways to recharge your energy battery
  • What are the strategies that will help introverts to market themselves effectively online


Links Mentioned in this Episode: 

GRAB THE RADIANT COURSE BUNDLE!! This week only (ends June 18th!) I am teaming up with the RADIANT COURSE BUNDLE TOOLKIT to offer you a CEO Bundle of online courses for just $99! 20 courses for just $99, that’s less than $5 a course! The entire collection is valued at $5,000 and this toolkit features a wide range of business owners and course creators you’ll love! I’ve included my program The Prep! Head to aubreemalick.com/radiant to snag this deal before it ends!


Other Resources: 

Want my step-by-step guide on how to start your VA business today? Grab The Prep which will show you exactly how to set up and start your business! You will get instant access to the digital product so you don’t have to wait any longer to start! 

Join here >> aubreemalick.com/theprep

Looking to scale your freelancing business to 5k/month and want to join the Freelancer to CEO Academy? Jump into our signature program: aubreemalick.com/academy

 Join the Freelancer to CEO Podcast Community on Facebook

If you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you shared this in your Instagram stories! Help us spread the message to more freelancers who are ready to step into the CEO role! 

Connect with me on Instagram: @aubreemalick

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