
Marketing Your Freelancing Business in New Ways with Alissa McDonald

January 21, 2021

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OH BOY you are in for a treat with this episode! I brought on my good friend Alissa who is a fellow teacher and a new online bestie! Alissa and I connected through a membership we were both apart of and we hit it off ever since. Alissa is going to share all the things in this episode and you do not want to miss this. We talk everything from building a business while working full time, new ways to market your business (that you haven’t thought of or tried yet) and if freelancers need an email list! Press play on this interview!!

Alissa is a teacher, marketing strategist, toddler mom and lover of French fries! She’s the host of The Teacher Hustle Podcast and business coach for teachers in the Teacher Hustle University membership. She’s passionate about helping teachers diversify their income by launching, growing, and scaling their online business while maintaining their values and staying mission-driven.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Alissa’s road to entrepreneurship has been filled with many experiences
  • Her marketing do’s and don’t
  • How to overcome fear of putting yourself out there 
  • If freelancers need an email list
  • Why and how Alissa added a service based layer to her income streams


Connect with Alissa: 


Podcast: Teacher Hustle Podcast

Instagram: @teacherbynaptime

Website: www.alissamcdonald.com

Alissa’s Free Marketing Masterclass: www.alissamcdonald.com/framework 


If you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you shared this in your Instagram stories! Help us spread the message to more freelancers who are ready to step into the CEO role!


Connect with me on Instagram: @aubreemalick



Other Resources: 

Wanna do a coaching session with me? From business audits to monthly coaching sessions, there’s an option for you! Email us for the coaching menu at hello@aubreemalick.com

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