
Maximize Productivity with Optimal Sleep with Tanessa Shears

October 23, 2023

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We all know the drill – juggling motherhood, running a business, or just the daily grind can leave us feeling like sleep is a luxury we can’t afford. But what if I told you that not only is a good night’s sleep essential, but it can be a powerful productivity booster too?

Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to Tanessa Shears, an energy guru, who’s here to share some game-changing tips on how to maximize your productivity. Think of it as your ultimate guide to owning your day and finding your energy!

So grab a cup of coffee, get cozy, and get ready to take a lot of notes (I sure did!). And don’t forget to tune in to the podcast episode for the full chat!

Click play below to listen to the full episode. πŸ‘‰

Meet Tanessa – your energy guru

She is a Kinesiologist, Certified Sleep Science Coach, and health consultant who helps entrepreneurs double their energy and focus so they can make more money in their business with her 12 Becoming Limitless Protocols. She works closely with business owners to eliminate brain fog and wake up well rested so they can get more done in less time, maintain consistent, stable energy throughout the day and feel better than they have in years. Tanessa is also the host of The Becoming Limitless Podcast, sharing her expertise on optimizing health and focus for business success!

Now, she’s not just an energy expert. Tanessa is a mom herself, so she knows firsthand the chaos and exhaustion that can come with motherhood. She’s also a successful entrepreneur, which means she’s walked in the shoes of many of us, trying to juggle it all. This combination of mom wisdom and business savvy makes her advice incredibly relatable and valuable.

Now, let’s dig into the good stuff!

How to Tune into Your Circadian Rhythm

Ever heard of the 5 am club? I’m sure you have, and if you’re not a morning person like me, it might sound like a torture chamber. But here’s where Tanessa drops some wisdom on us – the 5 am club isn’t for everyone.

Our bodies have these unique internal rhythms, and they determine the best time for us to shine. It’s like a superpower we’ve been ignoring. For Tanessa, her prime time is early morning, but your optimal time might be later. And guess what? That’s perfectly okay! Your routine should cater to your own rhythm, not the other way around.

Remember, life is all about seasons, right? If you’re in a season where the kids need you in the evening, embrace it. Find your magic hour, work with it, and watch your productivity grow!

The Magic of Quality Sleep

Now, let’s talk about something that we often sacrifice – sleep. Oh, the blissful, restorative sleep that seems as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. In reality, quality sleep can work wonders for your energy levels and brain function!

Here’s the deal: create a bedtime routine for yourself. Yup, just like you have one for the kids. It could be reading a book, deep-breathing exercises, or even a warm bath. Ensure your sleep environment is comfy and cozy. And don’t forget – invest in a great mattress.

By setting the scene for your body to rest, you’re optimizing the amount of deep sleep you get. And, that translates into waking up feeling like a superhero, ready to conquer your day.

Recognizing the Signs of Brain Fog

Now, let’s address brain fog. You know that feeling when your brain’s running in slow motion and your thinking is as clear as mud? Tanessa explains that brain fog often results from three big culprits: poor sleep, unstable blood sugar, and chronic stress! All factors that are affecting your ability to maximize productivity.

The symptoms? It’s like having your mental gears all clogged up. Your thoughts are clunky, and focusing on tasks is an uphill battle. Your energy and motivation feel like a distant dream…

So, what’s the solution? Small, sustainable changes can do wonders. If breakfast is your stumbling block, start by making it balanced and nutritious. If sleep is the issue, aim to make small improvements to your bedtime routine. It’s not about making giant leaps but gradually adjusting your effort level!

Crafting the Perfect Morning Routine

If you’re into morning routines, here’s the fun part. Your morning rituals don’t need to be identical every day. Like we’re always told – we need bright light to wake up and get going.

When it’s time to rise and shine, expose yourself to some daylight. If you can go outside for a quick walk, even better. It boosts your mood, helps you wake up, and say goodbye to that morning grogginess.

Then, add some movement – a short walk, some stretching, or even a cold shower. Yep, you heard me right, a cold shower. Now, before you cringe, give it a shot – it can do wonders to fire up your energy levels!

Embrace Your Chrono Biology

Finally, Tanessa shares the fascinating world of chrono biology. It’s all about our genetic sleep rhythms. This means some of us are wired to be early birds, while others are night owls. Both are right in their own way!

It’s time to let go of the guilt and judgment. If your best work hours are in the evening, embrace it. Forget the 5 am club if it’s not your jam – it’s all about when your energy peaks, and there’s no one-size-fits-all rule. Discovering when you work best, will help you to maximize your productivity.

Next Steps & Connect with Tanessa

You can find Tanessa on Instagram and see what she’s up to there! And, don’t forget to check out her website for more tips!

So, there you have it – a journey into how to maximize productivity through optimal sleep with our fantastic guest, Tanessa. If you want to dive deeper into these insights and gain even more valuable tips and hacks, be sure to check out the full podcast episode with Tanessa. Click here to listen to the full episode!

The bottom line? Sleep is your secret weapon! Find your magic hour, prioritize quality sleep, recognize the signs of brain fog, and make small changes that will have a big impact. You’ve got this!

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