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I'm Aubree — business coach for ambitious moms. I'm here to help you start, grow and scale the online business of your dreams!


Strategies to Create a Killer Social Media Mindset with Marion Wagner

February 6, 2023

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Using social media to grow your business can be a struggle at times. Between getting lost in the scroll, playing the comparison game or searching for “inspiration”…you can quickly become a content consumer instead of a content creator. Marion realized this when first starting out her online business, but now is here to tell us all the secrets. 

Marion is a Business Mindset Coach that specializes in helping online entrepreneurs create a 6-figure game plan without a large following on social media. 

A former school psychologist turned multiple 6-figure business owner in two separate online industries, Marion teaches a combination of psychological and strategic approaches to take your business to the next level.  

She runs her coaching business and hosts the “Get Out of Your Head & Grow Your Online Business Podcast”  while raising her 9-year old son with her husband in Denver, Colorado.  And they are welcoming their rainbow baby to the family later this summer!

The number of followers you have does not equal your income or your success! We can do this, and have SO many tips for you right here in this episode!

In this episode, you will learn: 

• What leads you to success

• How successful business owners mindset their social media accounts

• What questions to ask yourself when creating content

• How to get “unstuck” when you feel like nothing is working

Connect with Marion:



Links Mentioned in this Episode: 

[Marion’s FREE Mini Course]

Social Media Mindset Makeover:

Other Resources: 

Want to learn how to become a virtual assistant? Sign up for my FREE 30 minute VA training. Get your behind-the-scenes peek at how I started my virtual assistant business and replaced my full-time salary with no prior experience, seven months pregnant with a 1.5 year old running around!

Get instant access now >>

 Join the Freelancer to CEO Podcast Community on Facebook

If you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you shared this in your Instagram stories! Help us spread the message to more freelancers who are ready to step into the CEO role! 

Connect with me on Instagram: @aubreemalick

Grab the 30 Day VA Bootcamp

The CEO Shop

work with me

Learn the skills in the VA Skills Lab

How to Create a Flexible Freelancing Schedule

How to Scale Your Freelancing Business

How to Become a Booked Out Virtual Assistant

Top 10 Stay At Home Jobs for Moms (With No Experience)

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tune into the show on apple podcasts!

I'm Aubree — business coach for ambitious moms. I'm here to help you start, grow and scale the online business of your dreams!

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